The College of Communication and Information offers multiple and diverse hands-on experiences for students, and these opportunities include the use of our specialized labs and facilities.

Public Speaking Center and UT TOPS (Tennessee Online Public Speaking)
The Public Speaking Center was originally established as an on-campus public speaking center in the Communication and Information Building (Room 260) as a way to provide students private feedback. Now, there is a second location in John C. Hodges Library (North Commons, 220G) and a mobile app, UT TOPS (Tennessee Online Public Speaking) for Android and iOS, all of which are designed to help students in their speaking endeavors.

Adam Brown Social Media Command Center
The ABSMCC provides the College of Communication and Information faculty, staff and students free access to Spinklr, the same leading technology that Fortune 100 companies worldwide use to publish, engage and analyze their social media marketing activities.

Message Effects Lab
The Message Effects Lab is an adaptable lab space to support a wide range of user and behavioral research to enable students and faculty to study the effectiveness of messages.

Scripps Convergence Lab
Scripps Convergence Lab, 402 Communications & Information Building, provides communication and information students with a transformative facility for creating, writing, and producing a variety of projects to prepare themselves for successful careers as working professionals.

User eXperience
Lab (UXL)
The UXL supports interdisciplinary research by faculty, graduate students, and other researchers. The lab has tools designed to explore users’ experiences with technology by making accurate, empirical measurements as users perform tasks on a product or system.