Sarah Lamb
Distinguished Lecturer
A member of the CCI faculty since 2008, Sarah Lamb is a distinguished lecturer in the School of Communication Studies. She teaches public speaking, served two terms as a faculty senator, chaired the Applied Oral Communication Committee and coordinated the school’s semi-annual McClung Speaking contest.
Before teaching, Lamb worked for eight years at the UT Office of Public Relations (now known as the Office of Communications and Marketing) and for three years in corporate management. Lamb’s teaching matches her approach to life, which is to love, laugh and make lasting impressions. Her teaching beliefs are centered in creating a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to learning by breaking down barriers, by being approachable and by being passionate.
Outside of the classroom, she enjoys spending time with family, swimming, traveling, listening to music and attending concerts.
- MS, communications, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
- BS,communications, University of Tennessee, Knoxville